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The Power of Super short commercials

Of what good is a long video commercial if your consumers don’t watch it fully?
Given the kind of lifestyles people lead today, they would hardly have the time to go through lengthy videos, unless the commercials are super-engaging. Moreover it could be really expensive to make them. The answer then is to keep your videos short.
It is not just the big brands that can think videos. You can too. And it doesn’t matter if your budget is not big. You can still make short videos. Also, short videos for your business can increase your reaches and shares, while keeping your costs low.
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Videos’? YouTube? However, that’s not the only place where you would find video content. There is Vimeo, Instagram and many more. In fact ever since the very first movie trailer got released on Instagram, many businesses have been embracing the power of short videos. They are in a rush to produce creative videos.
If you wish to take up the challenge of creating super short videos, you will have to distill your message in the simplest way. In case you can do that, you can use them as a powerful social marketing tactic.
Super short stories are like ants. They are compact; yet they can carry weight 20 times their body weight. You can’t find a formula for them because they follow their own rules. They play themselves in your head over and over again, which is why you can understand them only in retrospect.
Did you know you can tell a compelling story in just 6 seconds? How incredible is that? But that’s just the beauty of commercials. They affect your viewers in some way or the other. They seem fascinating even to the feature film directors who end up spending their time on 2 to 3 hour epics.
Long commercials have their own merit. They have special effects and they keep you spell bound. Nevertheless, short film advertising is on its way to become an art. Yes the films are short; but when they get over and the product logo appears, they end up stirring conversations.
Many of the biggies have started thinking smaller. L’Oréal for instance is doing so and Google is helping it in the process.
From Facebook to Snapchat to Fox, all the companies have been pushing the industry to come up with super short videos. The aim is to reach out to the millennials and the Gen Z consumers who have super-short attention spans.
6 second videos are emerging as the new defacto standard in the world of advertising.
Not every super short video commercial manages to trigger positive results. But here are a few that have got their point across within such a short time.
‘Memories of the Master Brewer’ is one ad that takes you to a different realm through its beautiful execution. The characteristics of the beer are well-explained by giving the viewers a glimpse into the brewer’s past. The film moves in a perfect pace, establishing a sense of significance, well-within the time that is needed to down a glass of cold beer.
Giant ant’s six-cent press buttons film is another short video you will appreciate. There is no story, no character and no dialogues whatsoever; yet it has managed to explain the process of button making through colors, music, composition and sound-design. Its beauty lies totally in its simplicity. You will find something new to appreciate, every time you watch this short video. It perfectly turns a gloomy rainy day into a happy sunny day through things as simple as buttons.
Super Bowl is one theme that most ads adapt, as it is huge in America. Whether they are shown before, after or during the game, these ads prove to be prime real estate for all kinds of businesses. Mr. Clean came up with its sexy super bowl ad for its not-so-sexy product. Leo Burnett, Toronto, managed to create waves by coming up with this snappy short video advert for the American cleaning company.
One thing you can’t do when it comes to creating super short videos is faking authenticity. In fact you shouldn’t even try doing that. Instead focus on offering some behind-the-scene glimpses that give your business a genuine feel. Identify the way you want your final product to look and work on this concept. The video needs to be perfect, without seeming staged.
In case you don’t know where to start, here are a few ideas to choose from:
Solve a problem through your video
Break down your solution into simple steps and create a video around them. With the kind of tools that are available it can become increasingly easy to create How-to or DIY short videos. They do exceptionally well on social media by proving to be incredibly useful to your audience.
Showcase your skills
Creating a short video can be an excellent way to show your ability to your audience and let them know how you can help them. You could also throw in a call-to-action to bring attention to your business.
Launch a product / an event
You need not be overly promotional in your video. But figure out a way to appeal to the natural curiosity of your audience by coming up with something creative and fun.
Reveal the fun side of your business
You could take a tour of your office or include some behind-the-scene down time to make your short video engaging. This gives your fans a chance to know who you are as a company.
In this time-challenged environment, getting the attention of your audience can be super tough. You will have to come up with something that adds value. It is fine if you don’t have a big budget. Short videos are best done with everyday items and props. In fact it is such things that make your business seem real and authentic.