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How To Get More Views On YouTube?

by Shreyas Nair  |  27th Apr, 2018 in Social Media
How To Get More Views On YouTube?

It doesn’t matter whether you are a marketer or a content creator; you need to know how to increase your YouTube Video views. The process is going to take some time and effort. But if you do it right, you will get rewarded with more and more opportunities to increase your audience viewership and expand your content. If Google is the largest search engine of the world, YouTube is the second one. In fact, YouTube is known as the Google of Videos.

Launched in more than 88 countries, in 76 languages, YouTube is one platform that has the ability to reach billions at one go. It is said to cover 95% of the entire Internet population. If you are thinking how to get views on your YouTube Video, here are a few things you can do…

How to Grow Your YouTube Channel Organically?

Keyword Research for Tags, Title and Description

It is through Keywords that your users find your YouTube Video and therefore you have to use the right keywords in your title, tags and description. These will end up boosting the ranking of not only your videos, but also your playlists and your entire channel. Over time they can also help with suggested video views and subscriber conversions. So how do you find the right keywords for your YouTube videos? Google AdWords Keyword Planner is one of the best keyword research tools you can use to select the best keywords for your videos. The moment you type in your keyword and hit the ‘Get Started’ button, you should see something like this:

Google Adwords Keyword Research

You can check the locations and select the ones that are relevant for your YouTube video.Youtube Search is another tool you can try for your keyword research.

Once you type in the keywords that are relevant to your video, you will see a drop-down menu with a long list of keywords and phrases, included some long tail keywords. You can select the ones that seem the best and use them as your tags and video keywords.

Keyword Research Youtube

Google Trends is another tool you can use not just for your keywords, but also for your topics. You can filter them by country and date, the way you see in the following image.

Google Trends

It may not provide the data for all kinds of queries; but it sure is worth checking out.

Uploading a video on YouTube is all about helping users find it. Make sure it appears as informative and attractive as possible.

Use Keyword-rich, Descriptive Titles

The whole idea of uploading a video on YouTube is to make sure it can be found by users and it seems attractive and informative to them. Both these objectives can be achieved at one go, by using a keyword-rich, descriptive title.Apart from telling your users what your video is all about, it will also give the algorithm, the keywords that are necessary to index the content for its relevance.The best way to increase YouTube video views would be to create that video around a popular keyword or use a popular keyword itself as the title of the Video. This will help show up your video as frequently as possible, whenever anyone uses that keyword on Google or YouTube.The order could be something like this: a broad keyword, followed by a main target keyword, followed by your company or brand name. An example is given below:How to be fit – Weight loss tips for men & women | Company Name

Use Keywords in Your Tags

When it comes to YouTube videos, it is the tags that tell the algorithm, whether or not the video is relevant to a certain search query. So, the keywords that appear in your title and description need to appear in your tags too.A total of 500 characters is allowed in the tag section. However, it is better to stick to 10 or 15 tags that are relevant to the content of your video.You could use 4 or 5 long tail keywords, 4 or 5 medium-sized keywords and 4 or 5 short tail keywords in your tags. Refer the example given below:Tags for Youtube

Add Keywords to Your Channel

Adding Channel keywords is another area you need to focus upon when it comes to YouTube discovery. This way you can make sure your videos get recommended by the appropriate channels and videos.You can assign channel keywords by opening up Creator Studio. When you click on Channel on the left side bar you should see Advanced. You could find ‘Channel Keywords, this is where you need to type in your Channel keywords.Youtube Channel Keywords

Pick a Good Thumbnail

Letting YouTube choose a thumbnail for your video automatically is not a good idea. In fact such a thumbnail would neither be interesting nor relevant to your video.Your Video thumbnail is like a magazine cover. You will want to use the right picture with some amazing text that will stop your viewers in their tracks, luring them to play, download and share your video.

Make it Short

When it comes to video marketing the golden rule is to keep them under three minutes. This way you can make sure your potential customers will watch the entire video. This graph should give you a fair idea about this.Youtube Video ViewsIf you observe the graph, you will notice a drastic drop in the average video views after the first two and half minutes. A neat cut-to-chase video should therefore do the trick.If yours is an explainer video you could use the first few seconds to present the problem, focus on offering a possible solution, introduce your brand and then explain how this product solves the problem better than the others.

Use Annotations in Videos

You must have come across little call-out boxes that tend to popup whenever a video is playing. These are known as annotations. They make your videos interactive and engaging. These are best used in desktop versions.

Use End Screens

Most YouTube videos have these pointers during the last few seconds, which encourage users to subscribe to their channel or watch another video from that channel. These are generally referred to as End screens.You can treat them as your CTAs (Call to Actions). They make sure your viewers keep coming back to you for more and more such videos.

Create a Playlist of Videos

This would be very helpful if you are planning to create a series of videos based on a specific theme.Creating an ordered list of such videos will help increase your discoverability. The videos will start playing automatically one after the other, making it easier for your target audience to find your brand’s content.

Share Your Video on Social Media

Sharing your video on your social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ is a great way to increase YouTube video views.Whenever you do so, make sure you include a message for your audience to share your video with anyone whom they think might like it. The more shares you get the more people you will end up reaching through your video.

Invest in YouTube Advertising

Another solution to your issue, how to increase YouTube video views, is to advertise your YouTube channel. You could create an ad through AdWords for Video and make sure it appears at the start of a video or alongside it, on the YouTube Watch page.You can target your desired audience and set your budget the way you want. There is no minimum budget for such ads and so you don’t have to worry about having to break the bank every time you run your ads.

Allow Embeds

If you are looking for ways on how to get views on your YouTube video, you may want to enable embedding. This will help your viewers share your video content on their blogs and websites.This way any person who visits those blogs or websites will get to watch your video. It can be a really effective way to reach out to new audiences.

Maintain Consistency in Quality

Maintaining consistency is very important when it comes to creating YouTube videos. Quality is something that makes your viewers, view your videos again and again.If you don’t give your 100% while creating your video, sooner or later your audience will start catching you out.

As a social network, YouTube is incredibly powerful and valuable. By following the steps mentioned above, not only would you end up creating YouTube video with more views, you will also end up promoting your YouTube channel extensively. If you wish to build an entire social media community, YouTube is definitely the way to go!

I connect loose ends, I build bridges.
Walking on those bridges, relations are built. After that, the fear of saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’, no longer crosses my mind.
Was I meant to do what I am doing today? Umm…
I am a Computer Science Engineer and that taught me how to work with codes. I am glad that today I am working with People, instead and Oh! How I love the adrenaline it brings.

Ek hi client meeting mein perfect brief nikalvaana, is almost impossible I guess.
But I am trying, I am waiting.

I enjoy curating brand strategies and I am a fan of the process. This process, that involves trusting our people and telling them what I feel, as it is. Always.
I am curious.
Always was,
Still am, Always will be.
Helps me dive deep.

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