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Brand Guidelines

Brand guidelines are the navigating principles of your brand's visual and communication identity.


Consumers are more likely to remember a brand after they’ve seen the logo 5-7 times.


52% of customers did not return to a business due to bad branding and overall design.


Brand guidelines are the set of prescribed rules that help streamline a brand's visual and verbal identity across all marketing channels.
It ideally talks about idea and positioning of the brand, along with proper usage of the logo, fonts, typography, corporate graphics, illustrations, etc. In this guideline, brands also define their unique verbal ecosystem that talks about their tone, voice, and personality, among other things.
Above all, a brand guideline clearly defines what not to do, in terms of a brand's communication design.


A brand guideline is needed when a brand's communication has to happen for a variety of target audiences and the execution for it is being done by multiple people from the brand. It is also needed to establish or bring consistency in communication and to maintain it. Moreover, it is needed for employees and associates who will communicate for or on behalf of the brand.

Understanding you

Your idea of what your brand should look like and what it should not.

Understanding your target audience

Who are going to be your brand's (potential) consumers and what kind of communication design will appeal to them.

Finalizing the design elements

Once we have understood your brand and your audience, we define what your visual and verbal elements should look like and how will their usage be, based on the platforms.

How much?

The question here is-do you really need this service? And if you do, how much in detail will you want us to go and to what extent will these guidelines govern your communication. To give you a ballpark number, a basic brand guideline starts from ₹70,000 onwards.

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