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Brand Research & Analysis

Brand research & analysis is the in depth study of every primary and related aspect that builds a brand, and the derivations done from this study.


Facebook changed its ‘Become a fan’ button to ‘Like’ because it discovered users were twice as likely to click the button.


Starbucks, Apple, McDonald’s, and LEGO are some of the most globally well-known brands that invest heavily in research and analysis.


Brand research and analysis are the primary drivers that impact a brand. They eventually ensure that branding activities are done in the desirable direction & that marketing budgets are utilised in an optimum manner.


Brand research and analysis are needed when a brand is being built from scratch and also when the brand wants to go a level up in terms of several aspects. Be it in terms of digital or offline presence, or repositioning through the visual and communication strategy.

Objective & perspective

On the basis of the purpose of the brand research, the process is figured out. Several aspects such as brand perception, growth factors, growth deterrents are all taken into consideration based on the results that are targeted to be achieved through this entire activity.

Balance between internal and external perceptions

How do you want people to perceive your brand, how are people actually perceiving your brand, your competitors and the market, and where is the gap in all this? These are questions that take us closer to your new brand communication strategy.

How much?

This service is one of the most important stages in the brand purpose & positioning strategy. This cannot be offered as a standalone service.

Do you know your brand well?
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Samsung spends the highest on brand research & development, approximately $14.9 billion as on 2021.