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Ecommerce is the platform through which a brand conducts commercial transactions on the internet. 


Teleshopping was the first form of eCommerce, introduced by English inventor Michael Aldrich, in 1979.


Pizza Hut was the first pizza chain to offer online ordering in 1994.


40% of all online purchases made during the holiday season are done on smartphones.


The e-buying or e-selling of products or online services via the medium of the internet is known as Ecommerce. Over the last 10-15 years, Ecommerce has seen a major surge in terms of transactions and that has been the highest in the years 2020-21-22 with the pandemic making it difficult and at some places, impossible for people to move outside their homes to buy or sell. In such adverse as well as in normal scenarios, Ecommerce becomes an easy medium to keep the economy running.


Whenever you decide to sell your products or services online, Ecommerce websites come into play. It can also be to meet the demand of your products from other cities or countries. When you want to erase the boundaries of selling, or reach to a potential audience in a country beyond your homeground, Ecommerce is an effective option.

Ecommerce hosting platform

The decision to choose an Ecommerce platform is usually taken right at the beginning of the process. WooCommerce, Magento, Shopify, etc. are the platforms on which your Ecommerce websites can be hosted. We choose the platform according to your budget and the product portfolio you have.

Third-party integrations

Which platform will be used for your payment gateway? Who will ship your product to the customer's destination? Which platform will your product be listed on apart from your own website? All these aggregators are chosen and integrated by us after a thorough understanding of what works the best.

Sell hard

We'll be honest, when it comes to Ecommerce, sell hard or don't sell at all. Why did you make the website? The purpose was, to sell, right? So multiple avenues have to be given to a customer- to add to cart, to get details of the product, to checkout, to explore an offer, etc. Conversions are the key.

How Much?

The price of building an Ecommerce website starts from ₹10,00,000.

Is your product being added to cart?
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By the year 2040, it’s estimated that 95% of all purchases will be through eCommerce.